ORBINOX knife gate valves installed on the Costa Concordia defueling operations


Today, Italy marks ten years since the Costa Concordia ship disaster

The Costa Concordia ran aground off the Tuscan coast on 13 January 2012 with 4,200 people on board.

It was carrying about 1.9m litres of fuel in 13 tanks, therefore it was necessary to pump the fuel out.

The experts from the salvage team installed ORBINOX EX uni-directional knife gate valves for the fuel pumping operations to avoid an environmental disaster.

This is the proof that simple, high-quality solutions are the best way to go.

BBC. (2012, January 24). How cruise ship fuel will be removed [Video] BBC News. Available at: https://www.bbc.com/news/av/world-europe-16777030

13 January 2022